Give a Man a Fish and You Feed Him for a Day Teach a Man to Fish and You Feed Him for a Lifetime

Education is important because to get further in life, people need to be educated.. In the play "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw, education is the most important theme within the play. Education is the key to success because without being educated, you cannot get a job and live a fulfilling r life. Education is shown throughout the play when the theme is introduced, developed and concluded through the thoughts, actions and decisions of the characters. Bernard Shaw shares the important message that education is the key to success, in the play "Pygmalion" because it creates opportunity and the ability to improve.

To begin, the theme is introduced when Eliza is not educated and when she is selling flowers in the streets of London to make money. Firstly, Eliza realizes that without an education, she has no power/ social status. This is evident when Eliza says, "… What's that? That aint proper writing. I can't read that. " (Shaw 14). This is significant because, she realizes that she can't read and to get the respect she wants, she needs to be educated. Furthermore,, people judge her on her lack of speech. This is evident when Mr. , Higgins says, "I can (read that). Cheer up, Keptin; n'baw ya flahr orf a pore gel." (Shaw 14).

This is significant because Mr. Higgins is making fun of her speech and judges her based on her appearance and lack of good English. All in all, the play demonstrates the idea that an education opens doors to opportunities and, to be successful, people need a proper education. Furthermore, the theme is developed when Eliza receives an education from Mr. Higgins. For example, Eliza goes to Higgins house to receive an education. This becomes clear to the reader when Eliza emphasises, "… I'm coming to have lessons, I am. And to pay for em t?-oo: make no mistake" (Shaw26).

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This shows that she understands that by receiving lessons/education to improve herself, she knows that her life will improve and she will be able to get the job and respect that she wants. . She fully expects that with an improved education, she is able to transform into a member of a higher social class. For instance, Eliza fails at the garden party and gives herself away. This apparent when Eliza notes, "But it's my belief they done the old women in" (Shaw60). Here the reader sees that she gives herself away because she doesn't use high society grammar and speech.

She goes back to her bad grammar by saying "…they done the old…". Eliza goes back to her gutter grammar and does not use the proper grammar that Higgins taught her. She realizes that she has to listen and use the proper grammar to be able to be treated better. Overall, the theme of education develops when Eliza takes the initiative to change her life. The problem is that she changes herself to make other people happy instead of herself, and she loses her identity in the process. Moreover, the theme is concluded when Eliza gains an education and she is able to get a job.

She realizes she has the power to do what she wants because her new found education has improved her life. This becomes clearer to the reader when Eliza remarks, "I'll marry Freddy, I will, as soon as I'm able to support him" (Shaw 103). This tells us that Higgins doesn't want her to marry Freddy but because she has an education, she has a right to fight for what she believes. By completing her education, she creates a middle class, where people can be educated and have a right to be educated.. Throughout her journey, Eliza realizes that happiness is found from within.

This is apparent when Eliza says, "I'll advertize it in the paper that your duchess is only a flower girl that you have taught" (Shaw104). From this, the reader can understand that Mr. Higgins won the bet and that it is possible for a poor girl to get an education and become successful. Overall, this shows that education is the most vital theme and that education is the key to success. As a result, Eliza realizes that without an education, there is no happiness in life. Throughout the play, "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw, the author emphasises that education is the key to success.

To be successful, one needs a good education and love for learning. With this, an individual will have a higher chance for getting a job. Education is emphasised when it is introduced, developed and concluded through the characters actions, thoughts and decisions. People who say that education is not important, have a lack of understanding of the power of education and will not go far in life. In contrast, people, who believe that education is important, will always go further in life because it opens doors and provides more opportunities that can better ones future.

Overall, the play demonstrates the importance of having a strong identity in order to gain respect and become a valued member of society. . This is apparent when Terry Fox states, "Anything is possible if you try, dreams are made possible if you try". ESSAY ROUGH COPY Name: Annie PendleburyTopic: Education Teacher: Ms. Hogeboom Audience: Anyone who is educated or not educated Course: ENG 1D1 Date: November 24 2011 Teach Him How to Fish, he Eats Forever Education is important because to get further in life, people you need to be educated. , to get a job and live properly.

In the play "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw, education is the most main themeimportant theme within the play. Education is the most important theme key to success because without beingan educateducatedion, you cannot get a job and live a fulfilling proper life. Education is shown throughout the play when the theme isit introduced, developed and concluded through the thoughts, actions and decisions of the characters. Bernard Shaw shares the important message that education is the ost important theme inkey to success, in the play "Pygmalion" because it creates opportunity and the ability to improve throughout the into, body and conclusion.

To begin, the theme is introduced when Eliza is not educated and when when she is selling flowers in the streets of London to make money. Firstly, Eliza realizes that without an education, she has no power/ social status. This is evident when Eliza says, "… What's that? That aint proper writing. I can't read that. " (Shaw, 14). This is significant because, she realizes that she can't read and that to get the respect she wants, she needshas to be educated. Furthermore,Lastly, people judge her on her lack of speech. This is evident when Mr. , Higgins says, "I can (read that).

. Cheer up, Keptin; n'baw ya flahr orf a pore gel. " (Shaw, 14). This is significant because Mr. Higgins is making fun of her speech and judges her based on her appearance and lack of good English. All in all, the play demonstrates the idea that an education opens doors too many pathsto opportunities and ,and, to be successful, people need a proper education. education is key to success. Furthermore, the theme is developed when. Eliza is receivingreceives an education from Mr. Higgins. For example, Eliza goes to Higgins house to receive an education.

This becomes clear to the reader when Eliza emphasises, that "… I'm coming to have lessons, I am. And to pay for em t?-oo: make no mistake" (Shaw, 26). This shows that she understands that by receiving lessons/education to improve herself, she knows that her life will improve and she will be able to get the job and respect that she wants. will be for her benefit. She fully expects that she will be able to pay for these lessons and that with anthe improved education, she is able to transform into a member of she will be higher ina higher social class.

For instance, Eliza fails at the garden party and gives herself away. This apparent when Eliza notes, "But it's my belief they done the old women in" (Shaw, 60). Here the reader we sees that she gives herself away because she doesn't use high society grammar and speech. She goes back to her bad grammar by saying "…they done the old…". Eliza goes back to her gutter grammar and does not use the proper grammar that Higgins taught her. She realizes that she has to listen and use the proper grammar to be able to be treated better. Overall, education is developed throughout the character thoughts, actions and decisions.

the theme of education develops when Eliza takes the initiative to change her life. The problem is that she changes herself to make other people happy instead of herself, and she loses her identity in the process. Moreover, the theme is concluded when... Eliza has angains an education and she is able to get a job shejob. She realizes she has the power to do whatever she wants when she has educationwhat she wants because her new found education has improved her life. This becomes clearer to the reader when Eliza remarks, "I'll marry Freddy, I will, as soon as I'm able to support him" (Shaw, 103).

This tells us that Higgins doesn't want her to marry Freddy but since because she has an education, she has a right to fight for what she believes. By completing her education, do what she wants to do. Sshe creates a middle class, where people can have an educationbe educated and have a right to be educated.. Throughout her journey, Eliza realizes that Hhappiness is found from within. This is apparent when Eliza says, "I'll advertize it in the paper that your duchess is only a flower girl that you have taught" (Shaw, 104).

From this, the reader can understand that Mr. Higgins won the bet and that it is possible for a poor girl to get an education and become successful. Overall, this shows that education is the most vital theme and that education is the key to success. and is the key to success. As a result, Eliza realizes that without an education, there is no happiness in life. Throughout the play, "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw, the author emphasises that education is the key to success. To be successful you need ana good education and a love for learning BECAUSE????. Education is emphasiseds when it is introduced, developed and concluded. concluded through the characters actions, thoughts and decisions.

People who say that education is not important bad, have no expectationsa lack of understanding of the power of education and will not go far in life. In contrast, People, who believe that education is importantgood, will always go further in life BECCAUSE. Overall, the play demonstrates the importance of having a strong identity in order to gain respect and become a valued member of society. So if ones believe, he can achieve. This is apparent when Terry Fox states, "Anything is possible if you try, dreams are made possible if you try".

ESSAY OUTLINE Name: Annie PendleburyTopic: Education Teacher: Ms. Hogeboom Audience: Anyone who is educated or not educated Course: ENG 1D1 Date: November 24 2011 Engaging Title: Teach Him How to Fish, he Eats Forever INTRO Topic sentence: Education is important because to get further in life, you need to be educated, to get a job and life properly. Harness: In the play "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw, education is the main theme. Thesis: Education is the most important theme because without an education, you cannot get a job and live a proper life. Arguments: Education is shown throughout the play when it introduced, developed and concluded through the thoughts, actions and decisions of the characters.

Concluding sentence: Bernard Shaw shares that education is the most important theme in the play Pygmalion throughout the into, body and conclusion. Body: Number 1 TRANSITION: Topic sentence: To begin, the theme is introduced when... Eliza is not educated and she is selling flowers in the streets of London to make money. Point: Firstly, Eliza realizes that without an education, she has no power/ social status. Quotation: "… What's that? That aint proper writing. I can't read that. " (Shaw,14). Significance: This is significant because, she realizes that she can't read and that to get the respect she wants, she has to be educated.

Point: Lastly, people judge her on her lack of speech. Quotation: "I can. Cheer up, Keptin; n'baw ya flahr orf a pore gel. " (Shaw,14). Significance: This is significant because Mr. Higgins is making fun of her speech and judges her based on her appearance and lack of good English. Concluding sentence: All in all, an education opens doors too many paths and , education is key to success. Body: Number 2 TRANSITION: Topic sentence: Furthermore, the theme is developed when… Eliza is receiving an education Point: For example, Eliza goes to Higgins house to receive an education Quotation: "… I'm coming to have lessons, I am.

And to pay for em t?-oo: make no mistake"( Shaw, 26). Significance: This shows that she understands that by receiving lessons/education to improve herself will be for her benefit. She fully expects that she will be able to pay for these lessons and that with the improved education she will be higher in social class. Point: for instance, Eliza fails at the garden party and gives herself away Quotation: "But it's my belief they done the old women in" (Shaw, 60).

Significance: This is significant because she gives herself away because she doesn't use high society grammar and speech. Concluding sentence: Overall, education is developed throughout the character thoughts, actions and decisions. Body: Number 3 Transition: Topic sentence: Moreover, the theme is concluded when... Eliza has an education and she is able to get a job Point: She realizes she has the power to do whatever she wants when she has education Quotation: "I'll marry Freddy, I will, as soon as I'm able to support him" (Shaw, 103).

Significance: This significant because Higgins doesn't want her to marry Freddy but since she has an education she has a word in what she wants to do. Point: She creates middle class, where people can have an education. Happiness is found from with in Quotation: "I'll advertize it in the paper that your duchess is only a flower girl that you have taught" (Shaw, 104). Significance: This shows that she is saying that Concluding sentence: Overall, this shows that education is the most vital theme and is the key to success.


Transition: As a result, Eliza realizes that without an education, there is no happiness in life. Thesis: Throughout the play "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw, the author emphasises that education is the key to success. Arguments: To be successful you need an education. Education is emphasises when it is introduced, developed and concluded. Final thought: People who say that education is bad, have no expectations and will not go far in life. People, who believe that education is good, will always go further in life. So if ones believes, he can achieve.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

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