Play It Again Sports Rochester Ny

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Rating is calculated based on 334 reviews and is evolving.

3.98 2018 4.26 2019 4.35 2020 3.80 2021 five.00 2022

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Sales Associate in Durham, NC

Peachy job if you desire something easy going for greenbacks on the side, good for younger people and first time employment. Management is very supportive and flexible with scheduling, not slap-up pay however.

Closing Manager in Palatine, IL

I started working at PIAS as a senior in high school and worked there function-time through some of my college career. It's a great laid-back job that will still claiming you in some aspects but not to the point where it's besides stressful. The atmosphere of our store was awesome and friendly, and my co-workers were great. Everyone was willing to help each other when someone was in need. The most stressful part almost the job is that some customers will occasionally give you grief for a few different reasons but normally it's something that tin be dealt with hands using common sense. Overall, I really miss this job and I would recommend it to anyone who loves sports and learning most sports they don't know much about. If you're looking for a relatively laid-back piece of work environment that rewards communication skills and helping co-workers and customers, PIAS is your place!

Associate in Pasadena, CA

Fun place to work with adept people, the business model is ethical and promotes reusing products rather than trashing them. Good job for young people or a potential first task.

Sales Managing director in Ellicott Urban center, Medico

super fun place to piece of work in high school, taught me a lot about sales and customer service which is great for your resume. The merely thing worth noting is that you volition have to deal with ornery people. If its locally endemic, make sure you lot ask nearly the owner and how involved they are. Not much gets done without their say and so.

Assistant Shop Manager in Austell, GA

helping the owner hit $500,000 , earlier i see a cent outside of my hourly is not fun . no commission, no benefits , no 401k or even paid time off . its really a fun job , but the work to life balance is horrible .

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People accept asked 27 questions about working at Play It Again Sports. See the answers, explore popular topics and observe unique insights from Play Information technology Again Sports employees.

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Interview insights

Insights from 87 Indeed users who take interviewed with Play It Again Sports within the last v years.

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Process takes about a day or 2

Interview Questions

How to handle sure situations that might occur. Customer service related questions.

Shared on August 22, 2019

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