How You Know You're Not Pregnant

Woman looking at pregnancy test

Verywell / Photo Analogy past Michela Buttignol / Getty Images

Feeling pregnant? If you're trying to conceive, this is cause for excitement. You feel pregnant. Yous have signs and symptoms of pregnancy—fatigue, cravings, and maybe even nausea. Just then, your period arrives or your pregnancy exam is negative. What does it all mean?

It'southward non uncommon to experience pregnancy symptoms in the absence of a positive test. Spend whatsoever fourth dimension on fertility forums or social media sites and you're bound to hear members refer to "imaginary pregnancy symptoms." Are these feelings all in your head? Peradventure not.

Imaginary Pregnancy Symptoms

Imaginary pregnancy symptoms (IPS) are exactly what they audio like: symptoms women experience that make them think that they may exist pregnant. Don't wait to hear your medico mention IPS. It's not a technical term. The phrase was invented by the fertility-challenged every bit a loving way to refer to those obnoxious "symptoms" that haunt you during the ii-week wait.

The fourth dimension between ovulation and your expected period is when you're most probable to be anxious near whether or not this calendar month will be the month. This is besides the fourth dimension when y'all may exist more likely to feel tender breasts, fatigue, bloating, emotional sensitivity, lite cramping, and even food cravings. These could be signs of early pregnancy, yes, simply also fluctuating premenstrual hormones.

PMS vs. Pregnancy

Sometimes, sensations that seem like pregnancy are actually hormones in your body that are preparing for a possible, if not actual, baby. Women's bodies are optimistic when information technology comes to pregnancy potential. As shortly equally ovulation occurs, the torso starts preparing for a new life. This occurs even if conception did not take place.

One of the hormones responsible for maintaining a healthy early pregnancy is progesterone. Progesterone levels rise after ovulation, about midway through your menstrual bike (or halfway betwixt periods). If you become significant, progesterone levels will continue to ascension every bit your body gets set up to back up a developing babe. If you don't conceive, your progesterone levels will dip back down when your menstruation arrives.

Surging progesterone tin brand y'all experience tired and emotional. This hormone is too responsible for tender breasts, constipation, and fluid memory. These symptoms may exist quite prominent even if you aren't meaning, especially if you are sensitive to progesterone. If yous have conceived, these symptoms are probable to progress, since progesterone levels climb steadily throughout pregnancy.

Fertility Drug Side Effects

If you are working with a doctor to improve your chances of conceiving, it's of import to know that fertility drug side effects can sometimes be mistaken for early pregnancy symptoms. Progesterone supplements tin can cause nausea and a frequent urination. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) treatments like oral clomiphine citrate drugs or injectable gonadotropin may lead to moodiness, sore breasts, and bloating.

Be sure to keep in shut touch with your fertility specialist to understand all possible side effects of any medications you lot are taking. This is a good idea to not only ensure you are in adept wellness throughout treatments, but to also assist temper expectations calendar month to calendar month.

Faux Pregnancy (Pseudocyesis)

Rarely, someone tin can have very real physiological manifestations of pregnancy and non be pregnant at all. This psychiatric condition is known as pseudocyesis.

In pseudocyesis, people may have appreciable symptoms of pregnancy, including missed periods, nausea, breast and abdomen growth, sensations of baby kicks, and fifty-fifty labor pains. Now rare in developed countries due to wide access to prenatal care, pseudocyesis is however not fully understood by doctors. Recent research suggests that people with pseudocyesis may experience hormonal fluctuations that stem from stress related to pressure level to conceive.

Don't pin your hopes on a result of an online pregnancy quiz. By asking a series of questions on pregnancy symptoms, these tools purport to tell you how likely it is that you are meaning. But no quiz can verify if y'all really are meaning. If you are experiencing symptoms and looking for clarity, your best bet is to brand an appointment with your ob-gyn.

Lasting Symptoms with a Negative Test

And then, y'all're feeling pregnant, and possibly you have even missed your period. Only your over-the-counter pregnancy test is notwithstanding negative. Are yous or are y'all not pregnant?

The respond is it depends. Feeling pregnant doesn't mean you are, but a negative pregnancy test can be wrong. A recent written report by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine revealed that upward to 5% of pregnancy tests return results indicating a person is not pregnant when, in reality, they are.

There are a few reasons you lot receive a false-negative exam result. You lot may have tested too early, then the pregnancy hormones aren't high enough to be detected by the test.

  • There isn't plenty pregnancy hormone hCG in your urine yet.
  • The exam has malfunctioned.
  • Y'all're not meaning.
  • You lot are meaning, just something is wrong.

There are other rare reasons you may get a negative examination but actually may exist significant.

Symptoms With a Menstruum

It is possible to be significant and get your period. This leads some women to hold onto hope that they may however be pregnant, even after Aunt Flo knocks at the door. Odds are, if yous got your menstruation, you're not pregnant. Feeling pregnant on your period could happen due to:

  • Normal hormonal fluctuations during catamenia
  • The influenza or another illness
  • Fatigue or queasiness for other non-pregnancy reasons

Merely like feeling pregnantearlier your menstruum doesn't mean you're pregnant, feeling pregnanton your period also doesn't indicate you lot're expecting.

If your period is very different than your usual, then y'all may want to have a pregnancy exam or call your dr..

For example, you might consider taking a pregnancy examination if your period is:

  • Abnormally calorie-free for you
  • More than like spotting than a period
  • Much shorter than information technology normally is

In that location are non-pregnancy reasons to have an off period. Annihilation from stress to affliction can crusade i irregular menstrual cycle.

Symptoms With Spotting

Pregnancy symptoms plus spotting can lead many trying-to-conceive women to worry about early on miscarriage. Spotting is a possible early pregnancy symptom. It's also possible to spot and have a healthy pregnancy. It doesn't mean you're going to have an early on miscarriage.

Spotting that occurs well-nigh 6 to 12 days mail ovulation is sometimes called implantation spotting. Whether it's really caused by an embryo implanting into the uterine lining is questionable.

Spotting tin can also be caused past thingsother than pregnancy. It's possible you are spotting, having "pregnancy symptoms," but not pregnant.

A Word From Verywell

You probably know at to the lowest degree one person with a "feeling significant" story that came true. She merely knew that calendar month was different. Maybe ane particular symptom was stronger, or she was actress tired, or she was craving some food she never eats otherwise. Or she had a strange cramp or twinge. She may claim women'due south intuition allow her know she was with child before the pregnancy exam came dorsum positive.

Here's the thing with these kinds of tales: these women are putting much more weight on the one time they felt pregnant and actually were meaning over the dozens of times those same feelings didn't indicate pregnancy.

If nosotros could simply experience whether we're meaning or non, it sure would cut down the anxiety of the two-week wait! Even so, the symptoms of early pregnancy are practically duplicate from any normal premenstrual symptoms.

While your "pregnant feelings" aren't 100% imagined, focusing on these "symptoms" can cause emotional distress. Remind yourself that whether you lot feel meaning or not, it doesn't mean annihilation.

Some women are sure they are pregnant, complete with throwing up in the morning, and then discover out they're not. Some women feel absolutely nix and find out they're pregnant after all.

The only manner to know if y'all're meaning is to wait until your period is tardily and accept a pregnancy exam. If an at-home pregnancy test still leaves you lot with questions, run across your physician.


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